Practical Guide to Creating Accessible PowerPoint Presentations

Creating accessible PowerPoint presentations is essential to ensure that your content is inclusive and can be accessed by all individuals, regardless of their abilities. Follow this practical guide to make your PowerPoint presentations more accessible:

1. Use Slide Layouts:

Metric: Document Structure

Start by using built-in slide layouts. This helps create a clear document structure, making it easier for screen readers to navigate. Assign proper headings and subheadings to slides for improved organization.

2. Provide Descriptive Slide Titles:

Metric: Content Identification

Give each slide a descriptive title that reflects its content. This aids in content identification for screen reader users and provides context to all users.

3. Add Alternative Text to Images:

Metric: Visual Information for Screen Readers

For images, charts, and graphs, add alternative text (alt text) that describes the content. Screen readers use alt text to convey visual information to users with visual impairments.

4. Choose Readable Fonts and Colors:

Metric: Readability

Select fonts that are easy to read and avoid overly decorative or complex fonts. Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background colors for readability. Aim for a color contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1.

5. Caption and Transcribe Multimedia:

Metric: Multimedia Accessibility

Include captions for videos and transcriptions for audio content. This benefits users with hearing impairments and provides an additional resource for all users to follow along.

6. Use Simple Language and Structure:

Metric: Content Comprehension

Keep your language simple and concise. Use clear and straightforward sentences. Break down complex information into smaller, digestible segments.

7. Create Meaningful Hyperlinks:

Metric: Link Descriptions

When adding hyperlinks, use descriptive text rather than generic phrases like "click here." This provides clear context for screen reader users and enhances overall navigation.

8. Ensure Keyboard Accessibility:

Metric: Navigation for Keyboard Users

Test your presentation using only a keyboard for navigation. Ensure that users can tab through interactive elements, and all features are accessible without the need for a mouse.

9. Provide Navigation Instructions:

Metric: User Guidance

Include instructions on how to navigate your presentation. Mention how to access menus, move between slides, and interact with interactive elements. This benefits all users, especially those using assistive technologies.

10. Check Reading Order:

Metric: Logical Flow

Verify the reading order of your presentation. Ensure that the content is presented in a logical order when read by screen readers. Adjust the reading order if necessary.

11. Test with Accessibility Tools:

Metric: Assistive Technology Compatibility

Use accessibility tools and screen readers to test your presentation. Identify areas that may need improvement and make necessary adjustments to enhance overall accessibility.

12. Seek User Feedback:

Metric: User Experience

Gather feedback from users with diverse abilities. Learn from their experiences and perspectives to continually improve the accessibility of your presentations.


Creating accessible PowerPoint presentations is not only a matter of compliance but also a commitment to inclusivity. By following these practical guidelines, you can ensure that your presentations are accessible to a wider audience, providing an equitable learning and sharing experience for everyone.